#50 Dr Yael Joffe - Nutrigenomics: The link between nutrition and our genetics

Yael is at the forefront of nutrigenomic education and has helped develop and supervise nutrigenomics courses around the world. She is currently an Adjunct Professor, teaching Nutrigenomics at Rutgers University and MUIH.

Yael Joffe Headshot.jpg

In the rapidly-evolving discipline of nutrigenomics, Yael is globally acknowledged as a leading  expert in the field. She is a highly sought-after speaker, has co-authored two books, ‘It’s Not  Just Your Genes’ and ‘Genes To Plate’, and has been published in multiple peer-reviewed  scientific journals. Yael is also a faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and is involved in advancing the understanding and integration of Functional Nutrition in South Africa. 

She is also the co-founder and Chief Science Officer of https://www.3x4genetics.com/ 

In this episode we cover: 
- What genes can tell us about our health 
- Pros and Cons of DNA diets
- How our genes can affect our carbohydrate and fat tolerance!
- The greatest predictors of disease risk 
- What to look for in a genetic test 
- and much more.




#51 Dr Eric Zielinski - Essential oils for chronic disease


#49 Dr Joseph Antoun - fasting for longevity and healthspan